
How To Choose the Best Materials and Finishes for Interior Design Projects

When it comes to interior design, choosing suitable materials and finishes is essential for creating a beautiful space that stands the test of time. The materials you select will significantly affect your design’s overall aesthetics, functionality, and durability. Whether you are embarking on a complete interior overhaul or a simple room refresh, considering the following factors will help you make informed decisions that bring your design ideas to life.

Vision and Style

Before diving into the world of materials and finishes, having a clear vision of your interior design project and the style you want to achieve is crucial. Are you going for a modern and minimalist look, a cosy and rustic ambience, or a luxurious and opulent feel? Understanding your design goals will serve as a compass, guiding you towards the suitable materials that complement your chosen style.

Functionality and Purpose

Assessing the functionality and purpose of the space is the next step in selecting suitable materials. For high-traffic areas like the kitchen or living room, you’ll need durable materials that withstand daily wear and tear. On the other hand, in spaces like the bedroom or dining room, you can prioritise aesthetics and opt for more delicate finishes. Our Squid® products are great options to consider when it comes to functionality. This self-adhesive transparent textile expands your design options and provides privacy during the day while allowing light to shine through.

Quality and Durability

Investing in high-quality materials is a smart choice for interior design projects. Quality materials look better and tend to last longer, saving you money on replacements in the long run. Conduct thorough research on the materials you’re considering, read reviews, and seek professional recommendations to ensure you choose materials and finishes known for their durability.

Colour and Texture

The colour and texture of materials significantly impact the overall feel of a space. Lighter colours make a room more open and spacious, while darker shades create a cosy and intimate atmosphere. Similarly, smooth and shiny textures can add a touch of modernity, while natural and rustic textures can bring warmth and character to the design. For example, consider our Avery Wall Papers, which offers inspiring graphics solutions and a wide choice of textured printing media, allowing you to generate an emotional response and add a unique character to your walls.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness

As awareness of environmental issues grows, many interior designers and homeowners opt for sustainable and eco-friendly materials. Using natural raw materials, products like the Organoid Natural Surfaces from Avery Dennison® bring the outside in, providing a one-of-a-kind experience that engages almost all of your senses. Adding upcycling projects within your Interior Design plan is an excellent contribution towards saving our planet. A fantastic material to have it into account is our LX Hausys Interior Film. With its intelligent self-adhesive treatment, it is easy to apply not only to 2D but also to 3D surfaces. This makes it a perfect material for upcycling or recycling furniture to give it the modern and clean look you want!


Your budget will inevitably play a significant role in material selection. While some materials may be pricier, remember that investing in quality materials can offer long-term benefits. It’s essential to strike a balance between your design vision and budget constraints, and with careful research, you can find cost-effective alternatives that still deliver on aesthetics and durability.

Cohesion and Balance

When choosing materials and finishes for an interior design project, aim for cohesion and balance throughout the space. Mixing too many materials or clashing finishes can create a chaotic and disjointed look. Instead, opt for a harmonious blend of materials that complement each other, contributing to a unified and visually appealing design.

In conclusion, selecting the best materials and finishes for an interior design project requires a thoughtful approach. Consider your design vision, functionality needs, quality, colours, and textures while considering sustainability and budget. By carefully evaluating each aspect, you’ll create a well-balanced and captivating interior space that stands the test of time.

Ready to bring your interior design ideas to life? For inspiring graphics solutions, visit our website today to explore a wide range of high-quality materials and finishes, including Squid® and Avery Wall Paper. Also, discover eco-friendly options like Organoid Natural Surfaces from Avery Dennison® to create a truly unique and sustainable interior. Our expert team is here to assist you in finding the perfect materials that align with your vision and style. Let’s create your dream interior together!

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